Expert DNA Solutions for Genetic Wellness

For expert DNA solutions

Personalized genetic health care

Comprehensive genetic care framework

Genetic and medical evaluation

Your overall medical and genetic history will be evaluated to understand
underlying medical conditions, severity, expressivity, and pre-dispositions for suspected genetic conditions.

Family history and risk estimation

Assessing family history is a crucial step in pre-test genetic counseling. It helps us understand the pattern of inheritance of genes responsible for patients or couples medical conditions. Furthermore, it helps us calculate Your risk using genetic risk calculations to estimate the inheritance or expression of the disease.

Genetic test consultation

Evaluation of medical and genetic information and risk assessment helps us to list appropriate genetic testing options for you. We provide information about the genetic test, its producer, cost, time, and expected results. If you opt for genetic tests, test results will be explained to you.

Support to improve quality of life

Based on the genetic test results or estimated risk, you will be educated about your genetic problem, its associated medical complications, possible medical intervention, appropriate referrals to medical specialists, scientific guidelines to manage, make decisions about Your pregnancy or planning your family, and improve your quality of life, coping strategies to handle emotional imbalance due to the impact of the disease in you and in your family.

July 5
Genetic and medical evaluation

Your overall medical and genetic history will be evaluated to understand
underlying medical conditions, severity, expressivity, and pre-dispositions for suspected genetic conditions.

July 5
Family history and risk estimation

Assessing family history is a crucial step in pre-test genetic counseling. It helps us understand the pattern of inheritance of genes responsible for patients or couples medical conditions. Furthermore, it helps us calculate Your risk using genetic risk calculations to estimate the inheritance or expression of the disease.

July 5
Genetic test consultation

Evaluation of medical and genetic information and risk assessment helps us to list appropriate genetic testing options for you. We provide information about the genetic test, its producer, cost, time, and expected results. If you opt for genetic tests, test results will be explained to you.

July 5
Support to improve quality of life

Based on the genetic test results or estimated risk, you will be educated about your genetic problem, its associated medical complications, possible medical intervention, appropriate referrals to medical specialists, scientific guidelines to manage, make decisions about Your pregnancy or planning your family, and improve your quality of life, coping strategies to handle emotional imbalance due to the impact of the disease in you and in your family.

Our Specialties

At Genic Hereditary Care we provide a comprehensive range of specialized genetic services. Our team of genetic professionals is committed to providing personalized genetic health services and empowering individuals and families with high-quality genetic information to make informed decisions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Should everyone who seeks a genetic counselor take genetic tests?

No, genetic tests are not necessarily to be taken by everyone.  Genetic tests are not like blood or urine tests or scans (medical tests) that are mandatory to be taken if a doctor prescribes them, instead genetic tests are purely voluntary that is, they can be taken only if an individual or couple who are at risk for gene mutations willing to take even if a genetic professional suggest them.

Is there any chance of knowing my risk of having a child with a genetic disorder before my marriage?

Yes, there are possibilities to know your risk of having a child with a certain genetic disorder before marriage with the help of premarital genetic counseling/consultation. Pre-marital genetic counseling/ consultation will assess and estimate your risk of having a child with genetic disorders, and provide you with options for carrier genetic testing appropriate to your genetic risk.

My wife is 26 years old, she had 4 pregnancies and all those got aborted on their own without any medical condition. Is there any genetic test to find the cause?

Of course, there are possibilities to understand if there are any genetic causes for your recurrent pregnancy loss. Moreover, many genetic and non-genetic considerations are associated with recurrent pregnancy loss that need to be evaluated before concluding the actual cause of your recurrent pregnancy loss. 

I am a 23-year-old woman planned to marry my cousin (my mother's brother's son). Do we need genetic consultation?

Though genetic consultation is voluntary, it is advisable to get one before a consanguineous marriage (marriage between close relatives), as there are higher chances for the couple to be carriers for gene mutations that are responsible for certain genetic disorders (specifically autosomal recessive genetic disorders), which have 25% of chances in each pregnancy to be expressed in the fetus.

Do genetic tests cure the disease?

No, genetic tests cannot cure any disease. Instead, they are used to understand the underlying cause of the patient’s medical condition and pattern of inheritance. Genetic tests help genetic counselors estimate the risk for an inheritance, and expressivity, and identify possible medical conditions in advance (i.e. before the manifestation of the disease). These insights help patients make informed decisions. 

Do you offer counseling before and after genetic testing?

Yes. Genic Hereditary Care offers genetic counseling before (pre-test genetic counseling) and after (post-test genetic counseling) a genetic test. During pre-test genetic counseling, we educate about the suspected genetic disease (provisional diagnosis), estimated risk, options for genetic tests, its procedure, process, limitations, advantages, TAT (Turn Around Time), and psychological support. In post-test genetic counseling, genetic test results will be explained in layman’s terms, possible medical interventions, management strategies, psychological support, and follow-up. 

Can I schedule a virtual consultation?

Yes, we offer both in-person and virtual consultations to accommodate your preferences and needs. Either of the genetic counseling options need a prior appointment. An appointment can be booked on our website. 

Who can I contact for more information?

If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to our team via phone or email. We are happy to assist you!

Why do patients trust us?

We decode genes, you design future

Patients trust us because we strictly follow the guidelines set by renowned genetic institutes and researchers. We ensure that the psycho-social aspects of patients are respected and addressed scientifically. Along with that, we provide emotional support and make sure to clarify any doubts patients may have with clear scientific evidence. Additionally, we respect the patients’ religious beliefs, community values, and familial customs while offering genetic counseling, making our approach holistic and inclusive.


Do you still have any queries?

Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out.Our team is always here to assist you, whether by message or call.We’re just a step away from providing you with the support and guidance you need.Connect with us today!