Prenatal Genetics

Prenatal genetics focus on finding the genetic disorders in the growing baby (fetus) during pregnancy period before 20 weeks of gestation with the help of genetic screening, testing, and genetic counseling in women with high risk pregnancy that includes:

Any abnormalities found in the fetus in antenatal scan
Family history of genetic disorder 
Previous child with genetic disorder
Abnormal biochemical screening test
Increased maternal age

Prenatal genetic screening, genetic testing, and counseling will help the parents to take informed decisions about their pregnancy.

Pediatric Genetics

Pediatric genetics focus on birth defects and genetic disorders in children, and adolescent (younger than 18 years). Chromosomal aberrations, inherited or de-novo mutations in certain genes that are responsible for the development and metabolism of fetus results in genetic disorder since birth. 
In India, Down syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Triple X syndrome,  Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal-muscular atrophy (SMA), Thalassemia, Haemophilia, Cystic Fibrosis, Klinefelter syndrome, Cleft palate/lip, Marfan syndrome, Inborn-errors of metabolism, congenital hearing loss, etc. are the most common genetic disorders in children. 

Cancer Genetics

Patients suffering from cancer need an appropriate genetic test to find genetic mutations that caused cancer in them to benefit from targeted therapy (advanced cancer treatment), individuals with a family history of cancer to know their risk for cancer, and children for parents with cancer to know their risk for cancer gets benefits from Genic Hereditary Care’s cancer genetic counseling.

Reproductive Genetics

Couples suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss or recurrent miscarriage, infertility with genetic causes like Y-Chromosome microdeletion, Mullerian duct anomalies, mitochondrial disorders that lead to infertility, etc. benefit from eproductive genetic counseling.

Pre-Marital Genetic Counseling

Genic Hereditary Care helps young couples understand their risk of being tested for certain genetic disorders, especially in consanguineous marriages. 

Couples with a family history of certain genetic disorders benefit from our personalized genetic healthcare to prevent genetic disorders in future generations.

Pre-conception Genetic counseling

Consanguineous couples, couples at high risk for genetic disorders, and couples at increased maternal or paternal age planning for pregnancy benefit from pre-conception genetic counseling. Genic Hereditary Care provides comprehensive genetic services to identify genetic risks and navigate their genetic health journey toward scientific ways to have genetically healthy children.

Adult genetic counseling

Genic Hereditary Care helps to identify predispositions and manage adult-onset disorders. 

Adult-onset genetic disorders have genetic mutations from a young age that are expressed in adulthood, including Lynch syndrome, Huntington’s disease, Marfan syndrome, Charcot-Marie-tooth disease, hereditary breast cancer, familial lung adenocarcinoma, familial hypercholesterolemia, etc.